
the right people, the right team
Leading international property recruitment firm comes to gt&i
The brief from the head of marketing for deverellsmith was simple. Refresh the brand, align the elements and provide a platform to support rapid growth in the UK, US and key international markets.
The more difficult challenge was to review the brand strapline ‘Meet the Right People’ so that it would not only support the core business of recruitment but also the expertise built into the organisation – on markets, on employment demands, on emerging skills – and its ability through its global people network to provide market insight and analysis.
The answer was simple. Lose the word ‘meet’ with its immediate recruitment connotations and be proud of the staff and their skills. Whatever you want deverellsmith has …the right people… with the ellipsis indicative of the excitement and energy of a journey underway
Brand refresh. Strapline. Brand guidelines. Corporate collateral. Website advisory.